12is12 - a year of celebration at TheTwelve
2019will be a very special year for The Twelve as it’s the year that the hotelcelebrates its 12th birthday - the year 12is12.
Aswe never like to do things by halves (or half dozens), rather than have one bigshindig on the date the hotel opened its doors for business for the very firsttime, instead we are going to spend the entire year - twelve whole months! -celebrating 12is12.
Wewill be spending our 12is12 year focusing on all the things we love - food andwine of course, music too, friendships and partnerships, our super-importantguests and our equally welcome doggy friends.
Therewill be parties and pop-ups, festivals and fabulous food. We’ll be praising ourproducers, putting our amazing staff front and centre, counting our blessingsand blessing our counters with exciting new 12is12 birthday brews and brilliant12is12 pizzas and cocktails. Our friends upstairs in West will be wowing withnew dishes, and we’ll have some niche events and fun times where we can flash alittle of the expertise and the pleasure in minding people that has made us anaward-winning hotel with a very big heart.
12is12is our birthday year theme, so please keep an eye out for all kinds ofcelebratory events under the 12is12 headline and as hashtag #12is12 on our socialchannels - we hope you can join the party.