“Bong!”say the celebratory bells of Barcelona, “Bong!” say the bells of Bordeaux, “Bong!”rings out in Berlin and “Bong!” go the bells of … Bearna?
TheTwelve becomes The Eleven for one night only on New Year’s Eve, the last dayof 2021, joining the family of friends, colleagues and revellers around Europewho usually celebrate ringing in the New Year an hour before us, at midnightCentral European Time.
To coincide with the midnightrestriction in Ireland, The Twelve in the West of Ireland will become even moredashingly continental than usual, aligningitself with CET and ringing in the New Year at the same time as Paris, Madridand Rome.
All guests arriving in TheTwelve on New Year’s Eve will be asked to put their watches one hour forward,and then ringing in the New Year will happen with its usual panache at 12 pmCET, 11 pm our time.
There is no better way to ringout the old and ring in the new — while working within the current restrictionsand public health advice — than to stand in fellowship with our Europeanfriends, at the for-one-night-only The Eleven in Bearna.
So whether the good wishesbeing shared are “¡Felizaño nuevo!”, “Frohes neues Jahr!”, “Buon anno!” or “Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh!”, atThe Eleven, there’s a special little piece of Central Europe on the WildAtlantic Way this New Year’s Eve.
Cinderella was warned to behome before the clock struck midnight or all the wonderful, magical and surrealpleasures the good fairy had arranged for her would vanish. “Now Cinderella wasready, she climbed into the coach, but her godmother told her she must be homeby midnight because if she stayed at the ball one moment more, her coach wouldturn back into a pumpkin, her horses to mice, her footmen to lizards and herclothes back into overalls again.”
Cinderella will be tucked up inbed at The Twelve — sorry, The Eleven — long before midnight so no need topanic. On New Year’s Eve at The Twelve, you shall go to the ball!